Wednesday 20 March 2013


The title seems shocking. Read the article on MIGRATION, MOVEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT, to find out how this is possible.

After reading the article answer the following questions:

1.According to the article what is one element more important than the country in which we live? (try not to repeat what was mentioned by a previous colleague) Do you agree? What do you think about this?

2. How does the article demonstrate that offering financial aid does not work? What works instead?

3. What is one misconception about migrants?

4. Mention three new words you have learnt from this article.


  1. 1. According to the article one element more important than the country in which we live is a more open migration in order to increase the living standards and the Global Development. I agree with Michael Clements that more permissive migration laws are required in order to increase global living standards and is beneficial both to the migrant, the country in which he migrates and also to his/her home country.
    2. The article demonstrates that offering financial aid does not work by the means of an example and states that removing capital and trade barriers between nations would cause an increase in world Global development.
    3. One misconception about migrants is : migrants are an economic burden who take jobs from native- born citizens.
    4. Amenities, aid, rundown, boosts.

  2. 1. One element more important than the country in which we live is the wage, because according to the article 60% of our earnings from employment is determined by the country in which we live, but a study realised by the World Bank across 43 countries showed that the income of a migrant for Haiti or Mexico increases 6 or 7 times when they arrive in the United States. Even I think you have to stay in your country and help in the development, needy people choose to take the risk and cross the border for helping their family. In conclusion more important than the country are the incomes, so people are ready to leave their country with the hope of a better life, and a better wage to help their family.
    2. Offering financial aid does not work because for example the effect of easing immigration law and allowing Haitians into the US has been an increase in GDP of US $400m and the aid given to Haiti since the cyclone in 2012 is US $412m. Michael Clemens’ argument is that there is a cheaper and more effective alternative to help raise living standards and GDP by more open migration, and I agree with him.
    3. Migrants create new jobs studies show that migration has no effect on unemployment. Migrants tend to do jobs that domestic labour force will not do, notably in agriculture. I think that the misconception about migrants is that native people do not understand that actually migration raises GDP and is beneficial to the migrant, the receiving country and the home nation.
    4. Words: fold, gaps, rundown.

  3. 1. According to the article I read one element more important that the country in which we live is a more open migration because is a cheaper and more effective alternative to help raise living standards like that. I agree with Michael Clemens. i think that we really need to increase the living standards all over the world, to be at a reasonable height.
    2. Michael Clemens demonstrates in an example that offering financial aid does not work. Using a more liberal trade laws between countries would cause an increase the world's global development.
    3. One of the misconceptions about migrants is: migrants take jobs from native citizens (usually they come and make the work that native citizens don't want to do , ex : agriculture)
    4. aid, rundown, indigenous

  4. 1. According to the article, an element which is more important than the country in which we live is the amenity. All the amenities are caused by the living standards, in brief, by the people’s income. I agree with this claim because if people have big salaries they can afford a normal life. For example, lots of people from Romania go abroad to find a better job. We can have a look to the latest census and we see that in this country are about 19 mil. people, than in 2000 when there were about 22 mil.
    2. In this article is emphasized that offering financial aid does not work and also sustain that this is true. People should communicate to develop, so as Michael said, the removing capital and trade barriers between nations would case an increase worldwide.
    3. If we take a look over the past years we will see that migrants are not looked kindly because they “steal” the local people’s job.
    4. flipping burgers = to be in a low-paid-job

  5. 1. One thing more important than the country in wich we live is the IQ, the skill set, the parental income and social background because this is 40% of the size of the incomes. This is what makes the diference. The 60% is something that we can't control.
    2. Untill reading this article, I didn't think that migration could actually increase living standards. But it does make sense: eastern europeans go to the western countries to work
    in jobs that the natives wouldn't. This means more money to the emigrants, that can send back home, and for the natives there's also the benefit of somebody else doing the "dirty
    job", that has to be done. Financial aid isn't so effective.
    3. "Migrants are here to take our jobs."
    4.rundown neighbourhood, gap,
